Interni Film

Published on 17 December 2020

Interni Film has achieved its BRC certificate for the 9th year in a row.

“BRC is in our DNA. It has become an all-day way of thinking and acting.


We are therefore very proud of our staff for being rewarded for their efforts with the highest score, grade AA.

BRC stands for quality, hygiene, traceability, recycling waste, lean management, developing a vision for the future and continuing to improve on all these levels year after year.

If you see BRC not only as a task but also as a tool for making the company even better, then it can have a major impact.

Thanks to our BRC certificate with grade AA, our customers know they can pack their products with confidence.


During the audit, we received very nice compliments from the auditors. They told us that we are fully prepared for BRC certification and the packaging market of the future.

That gives all of us a positive energy boost, giving the best of themselves every day for the company and for our customers, thus Stijn Verreet and Steven Verreet –  Interni Film